Replacement Vanes for Rotary vane vacuum pumps
This listing have the replacement vanes with the springs in between each pair. Both Front and back stages of the valves(if dual stage, or the single pair if you get a single stage pump). PLEASE note: different manufacturers may have different sized vanes, we have the replacement for these models of VIOT vacuum pumps: VPD12, VPD12a, VPD10, VPD8, VPD6, VPD5, VPD3, VPD2 and the single stage where the model has a "S" behind the mentioned models. Remember to email John your model of pump right after the order is made so we will ship you the right vanes.
We do not have the replacement kits, the vanes are the parts may ware out, the other parts are pretty durable and may not need replacement.