Large Tube pipe Level Bender:3/4 OD Bend/turn 180 degree professional HVAC Plumbing Tool Big radius rust proof finish Ge

original price$149.97 sale price$127.77

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Large Tube Level Bender: 3/4 inch OD Large 3 inch Radius

Bends aluminum, copper and other tubing/pipe up to 180 degrees, Tube sizes: 3/4 inch OD. Make every turn looks professional. Easy to use, Degree marked on the tool. Heavy duty, built to last for decades to come. FEATURES

  • Heavy duty design, built with high quality Steel
  • Tube Sizes: 3/4 "OD
  • Radius: 3 inch(center of the tubing), bigger than any turn fittings on the market, less restriction
  • Open slide to work at the job site where the tubing is mounted
  • Rust proof finish
  • Silicone rubber lined handle for easy and comfortable grab
  • Degree of turn marked on the tool head, up to 180 degrees
  • Work on all kinds of pipe and tubing, copper, aluminum or steel conduit
  • will not scrape, or flatten the pipe working on
  • Easy to use, to make every pipe turn look professional for every field job.

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