Pair:Tube Pipe Cutter: 1/8 to 1 5/8 inch, heavy duty, Plumbing HVAC Tool Japanese Blades Rollers


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You are looking at a pair of brand new Tube cutters.
Heavy Duty Tube Cutter, 1/4" to 1 5/8" and a mini-tube-cutter 1/8 to 5/8"

For Cutting tubes of copper, brass, Aluminum and PVC or any soft metal/plastic tubes.


  1. Large Tube Cutter: Heavy duty, capacity to 1 and 5/8 inches.
    • Built tough and to last.
    • cutting capacity 1/4 to 1 5/8 inch OD.
    • Constructed with hardened flare groove rollers, double retractable tool steel reamer, hardened alloy steel cutting wheel.
    • Perfect for COPPER, BRASS, ALUMINUM. PVC and other soft tubing.
    • One extra blade
    • Needed by every field man or woman
    • In stock and ready to ship.

  2. Mini Tube Cutter for tight spaces.
    • Built tiny to work in tight space.
    • cutting capacity 1/8 to 5/8 inch OD.
    • Constructed with hardened flare groove rollers, double retractable tool steel reamer, hardened alloy steel cutting wheel.
    • Perfect for COPPER, BRASS, ALUMINUM and other soft tubing.
    • Needed by every field man or woman
    • In stock and ready to ship.

  3. $45 total retail value, buy it now for only $19.97, like getting one free.

5 item(s), $1,743.85